Technical Partner Training
Creating a Product Policy and Products

Product Policies for products and products can be created at different levels: System, Reseller and Manager

  • A product policy and product created at system level will be available and visible for all the resellers and managers.
  • A product policy and product created at reseller level will be available and visible for all the managers of that reseller.
  • A product policy and product created at manager level will be available and visible only for that specific manager.

Copying or cutting your policy and product

You can also duplicate or move your policy and product, by using the “Copy” or “Cut” option and then the “Paste” function in the context menu.

Adding a Product Policy

Choose the level you want to add the policy: system, reseller or manager.
In the contextual menu, scroll down till Product Policy.

Then click “+” on the top right.

Editing a Product Policy

In this section, you can edit the parameters of your Policy (down and up speed, session-timeout, daily/monthly time and traffic, etc.) shared with products.
For example, if you want to set or change speed or daily-time for all the users that are using that policy, you must set or change it on policy (not on products, because parameters of products are specific for the user).