Guest Login
Email Validation

This access method is used to verify the guests’ identity, capturing their email address and grant them a specific data/time allowance. Guests need to enter their email address and receive an email with the link to click, validating the email. The user get access by simply clicking the link.
Based on the portal configuration, these self-registering guests may need to add some further details before they gain access to WiFi.
This access method is similar to the SMS validation with the link distributed through an email.

The service is either free, charged prepaid with online top-up or postpaid.

Configuration Overview

Before you can enable the email validation, you must first determine a product with specific data/time allowance and speed.

Step 1

Select your Domain.

Step 2

In the dropdown menu, click Edit.

Step 3

Expand the General Data menu.

Step 4

In the Authentication Mode dropdown list, select either User self-service registration. No password or User self-registration.

Step 5

Expand the Data to Customize Users Registration menu.

Step 6

From the Request the Username dropdown list, chose Use the email address.

Step 7

If you have selected User self-registration as Authentication Mode, Request the Password dropdown menu is automatically displayed. Chose the option for your guests.

Step 8

Scroll down till Request Acceptance Conditions and from the dropdown menu, select Yes.

In the Request Acceptance Processing Personal Data, choose Yes.

Step 9

Now expand the Option for the Email Address section

Step 10

In the Send Email Notification field, tick Yes.

Step 11

In the Email Notification Subject, edit the email subject line.

Step 12

In the Email Registration Notification, first click the HTML </> button and digit the HTML code ” <a href=’%MailValidationLink%’ target=’_blank’>Please click here to get your special complimentary WiFi package</a>”

And then the message you want to deliver to your guests.


Welcome to our complimentary WiFi service.
Please click the following link to get more data allowance:  

Username: %Username%

Password: %Password%

Check the App in the welcome portal. Search train times and fares quickly and book with ease.
Have a nice stay!

You can add further variables, like the first and last name, etc., if you have required them during registration.
For further details about the guests’ data you can require at registration, please check the Micro Inquiry chapter.

Step 13

In the Product at the Email Validation, select the product you have created for the email validation prior to beginning these steps.

Step 14

Expand the Product for the Domain section and select all the products you want to grant to your guests once they terminate the product assigned at the email validation.

Step 15

Click the Save button on the top right of the page.

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