Administrator Manual
Surveys, Quizzes or Tests

Surveys, quizzes or tests, henceforth called surveys for brevity, are a special App of the Welcome Portal that allows you to request personalised information to users in order to get feedbacks, make aptitude tests, quizzes, etc. It is a particular App since, in addition to standard conditions like display period, can be displayed in the following ways:

  • As a standard App by placing an additional icon in the App Bar. In this case the survey is suggested automatically to the user who has the right to decide whether to fill it out by clicking the appropriate image that represents the App.
  • Full-screen App after the intro. Filling out the survey is required to the user after the video, the image or site (if defined).
  • After the login. Filling out the survey is required to the user after he has logged in.

Thanks to definable scores for each answer, a total maximum score is determined by which, surveys filled out by users will be evaluated.

The Context Dropdown Menu

By clicking on the context properties button of the survey, you expand the context dropdown menu with a range of options grouped by: default, edit, admin.

The “Default” Section

In addition to the standard editing options, it contains the following options:

Option Description
Dashboard Selecting the branch, you are displayed the dashboard of the survey with the following tiles: main chart; counting of the answers, number of filled out surveys; minimum score; maximum score; average score; worse survey; best surveys; latest. For further details about the content of the various tiles, please refer to the Tile Types of the Dashboards paragraph.

The “Edit” Section

Contains the standard edit options.

The “Admin” Section

Contains the following options:

Option Description
 Export data Goes to a page of export data that allows you to export on Excel (XLSX) file, the data of the survey.
Results of the survey, quiz or test Displays a table with the list of the surveys filled out by users, with reseller, manager, domain, user, MAC address, date and score.
Using the context dropdown menu that appears on the right of each survey, you can delete the filled-out survey or print it.
By clicking the triangle oo the left of each survey, you can expand the row to preview the filled-out survey.

Adding or Editing

To add a new survey, select “ Survey, quiz or test” and press “Add survey” in the command bar. While to modify a survey, press the context button of the survey and select “ Edit”. In both cases, a page appears that allows you to manage the following fields:

General data

Field Description
ID ID of the record. Auto-assigned Identifier of the record. It can be used to use the API or external integrations.

It is displayed during editing phase of an existing data and not during insertion of a new record.

Created on Shows the creation date of the survey, quiz or test
Title Title of the survey.
Subtitle Subtitle of the survey.
Event Defines the event where you want to displays the survey.
Possible value are:

  • App in the Welcome Portal: allows the user to open survey, quiz or test. In this case the filling out is at user’s discretion.
  • After the Intro: survey, quiz or test is presented or required in the Intro of the Welcome Portal.
  • At Login: survey, quiz or test is presented or required after the user has logged in.
Start Date Start date of the survey display.
End Date End date of the survey display. If not defined, the survey appears forever.
Frequency Defines the required frequency of filling out the survey. Selectable values are as follows:

  • One Time: if user completes the survey, then it will no longer be required)
  • Always: it always requires completing the survey to users; 
  • Recurring: requires users to complete the survey in a cyclic mode according to the type of frequency or to the value of the frequency type.
Frequency Type According to the type of frequency you can choose:

  • After X days (available if the chosen frequency is “One Time”). It asks the survey filling out only one time and after the number of days defined in the “Frequency Value” field, calculated from the date of first login.
  • Every X days (available if the chosen frequency is “Recurring”). In practice, if user fills out the survey today and in the “Frequency value” field it is set two, the survey will be required two days calculated from the first login or from the last filling out.
  • X days before the expiring date. Requires the filling out of the survey X days before the expiration of the product assigned to user. In practice, if an assigned product lasts seven days and it is specified two days before expiration, the survey will be displayed to the user from the fifth day.
  • After X logins (available if the chosen frequency is “One Time”). It asks the survey filling out only one time and after the number of logins defined in the “Frequency Value” field;
  • Every X logins (available if the chosen frequency is “Recurring”). In pratice if in the field “Frequency Value” it is specified five, the survey will be request to the user every five connections.
  • Not available if you have chosen “Always” in the “Frequency” field.
Frequency Value Requires user to complete the survey after the defined days. A value equal to zero will no longer request the filling out of the survey.

Not available if you have chosen “Always” in the “Frequency” field.

Show Thank You Message Display thank you message.

Visible only if “Show Thank You Message” is enabled.

Thank You Message Message displayed to the user as a thank you for participating the survey.
Show Skip Button Defines whether to display the skip button to avoid filling out of the survey.
Anonimous Users If active, it does not store the user that fills in the survey.

The user ID is stored temporarily for one hour so as not to repeat the survey in some situations and then deleted so as to make the answers anonymous.


Field Description
Send Email It sends an email notification when the survey, quiz or test has been filled in.
The possible options are:

  • Never: it never sends the mail;
  • With a score less than or equal to: the email is sent only if the total score of the survey, quiz or test is less than or equal the value entered in the “Score” field.
  • With a score greater than or equal to: the email is sent only if the total score of the survey, quiz or test is more than or equal the value entered in the “Score” field.
  • Always: sends always the mail regardless of the score obtained.
Score Defines the value of the survey, quiz or test score that effects the sending of the email according to what you have chosen in the “Send Email” field.

  • The field is visible only if you have selected the “With score less than or equal to” option in “Send Email”.
Email Address Email addresses, separated by comma, that will receive notifications. If not specified, notifications will be sent to an email address which has been defined in the manager, reseller or system.

Notifications to Users

Field Description
Send Email It sends a thank you email to the user that has filled out the survey, quiz or test. Sending of the email is subject to the required email address during user registration.
The possible options are:

  • Never: it never sends the email;
  • Yes: always sends the email;
  • Yes, delayed: sends always an email with a delay of a number of days defined in the field “Days of Delay”;
  • Yes, with score greater than or equal to: it sends the mail only if the total score of the survey, quiz or test is grater than or equal to the value entered in the field “With a score greater than or equal to”.
  • Yes, delayed with a score greater than or equal to: it sends the email with a delay of a number of days defined in the field “Days of Delay” and only if the total score of the survey, quiz or test is greater than or equal to the value entered in the field “With a score greater than or equal to”.
Days of Delay Defines the number of days that must pass before the system sends the email for the filling of the survey.

This field is visible only if on “Send email” you have selected “Yes, delayed” or “Yes, delayed with a score greater than or equal to”.

With a score greater than or equal to Send emails only for surveys, quiz or test with score greater than or equal to the entered value.

This field is visible only if you have selected “Yes, delayed” or “Yes, delayed with a score greater than or equal to” on “Send Email” field.

Email Subject Subject of the email to be sent to users thanking for filling in the survey, quiz or test. If this field is not entered, the subject will be the default one defined in the General Options.
In the text you can use the variables:

  • %UserName% (access username).
  • %FirstName% (access user’s first name).
  • %LastName% (access user’s last name).
  • %CompanyName% (user’s company name).
  • %RoomOrSite% (room or pitch number).
  • %EMailAddress% (user’s email address).

The field is visible only if you have not selected “Never” in “Send Email” field.

Thank you Email Email for the survey filling. If not entered, the email will be the default one defined in the General Options.
In the text you can use the variable:

  • %UserName% (access username).
  • %FirstName% (access user’s first name).
  • %LastName% (access user’s last name).
  • %CompanyName% (user’s company name).
  • %RoomOrSite% (room or pitch number).
  • %EMailAddress% (user’s email address).

The field is visible only if you have not selected “Never” in “Send Email” field.


Field Description
Header image Image displayed at the top. Image dimension must be: 600px x 200px.
Background image Background imege of the survey.

Questions and Answers


In surveys, you have the possibility to specify any number of questions. To add a question, you have to click the “Add question” button that creates a new row in the list where you can enter the features and data of the questions.

If you want to modify a question, please follow these steps:

  • Click the question in order to select and expand the row;
  • Change the available fields.

To delete a question, please follow these steps:

  • Open the row of the question by clicking with the mouse;
  • On the right side of the row, the image will appear;
  • Click the trash;
  • You will be required to confirm erasing;
  • Click Yes.

To change the order of questions, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the question you want to move with the left mouse button and hold it down;
  • Drag the question to the desired position;
  • Release the left mouse button.

The type of question that can be inserted are as follows:

Question type Description
Multiple choice answer Multiple choice questions that user can select. User may choose more than one answer, depending on the minimum and maximum values you have entered.
Note Descriptive question of note type on a multi line field.
Number Requires to enter a number.
Option Question at option. The user can choose only one option among the available ones.
Rating scales Displays five stars where the user can select values from one to five to express his satisfaction level.
Text Descriptive question on single line text field.
Field Description
Question Test of the question.
Description of the question Detailed description of the question.
Mandatory Mandatory field. If enabled, the user will be forced to enter it.
Question Type Allows to choose the type of question to submit to the user.
Enabled Users Users enabled to fill in the question.


This field is available only if you are editing a survey, quiz or test for a domain.

If there are no questions enabled for the user, the survey will not be proposed.

The proposal to fill in the question, will be asked only to a specific list of users. If no user is specified, the question will be displayed to all users.

It is useful to companies who need to fill in surveys targeted to the staff.

For performance and memory issues, only the first two hundred users in the domain are loaded. 

Depending on the type of question, specific data are requested.

“Multiple choice answer” type of questions:
Field Description
Minimum number of options Minimum number of options that the user must choose.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Maximum number of options Maximum number of options that the user must choose


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Answers Allows you to manage the possible answers for the question.
Using the “add answer” button, you can add an answer that can deal with the following fields: image for the answer; text of the answer selectable by user; value of the answer.
The value is used to calculate the total score of the survey, quiz or test.
To change the order of questions, please follow these steps:


  • Click on the question you want to move with the left mouse button and hold it down;
  • Drag the question to the desired position;
  • Release the left mouse button.
“Note” type of questions:
Field Description
Minimum number of characters Minimum number of characters that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Maximum number of characters  Maximum number of characters that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

“Number” type of questions:
Field Description
Minimum value Minimum value that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Maximum value Maximum value that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

“Option” type of questions:
Field Description
Answers Allows you to manage the possible answers to the question.
Using the “add answer” button, you can add an answer that can deal with the following fields: image for the answer; text of the answer selectable by user; value of the answer. The value is used to calculate the total score of the survey, quiz or test.
To change the order of questions, please follow these steps:


  • Click on the question you want to move with the left mouse button and hold it down;
  • Drag the question to the desired position;
  • Release the left mouse button.
“Rating scale” type of questions:
Field Description
Minimum value Minimum value of rating It is used to calculate the total score of the survey, quiz or test.
Maximum value Maximum value of rating It is used to calculate the total score of the survey, quiz or test.
“Text” type of questions:
Field Description
Minimum number of characters Minimum number of characters that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Maximum number of characters  Maximum number of characters that the user must enter.


Displayed only if you have activated the “Mandatory” field.

Field Description
Score Maximum score calculated from survey, quiz or test questions.
Notes for the survey, quiz or test Notes for the survey.
Suspended If enabled, suspends the survey and it no longer appears to users.