Administrator Manual
Show All Connected Users

This page, accessible from the context dropdown menu of  System, The Resellers“, “ The Managers“, “ The Domains” and “The Gateways“, summarises all the users connected to the gateways.

Depending on the level, it provides all the connected users

Level Description
System In all the gateways. This option is only available for the administrator of the system.
It includes the following information:


  • green icon indicates the connection status;
  • type of social network used at the registration;
  • expired user;
  • company name of the reseller;
  • company name of the manager;
  • domain name;
  • user ID;
  • last name;
  • first name
  • username.
Reseller In all the gateways of the reseller. The included information is the same as in the system branch.
Manager In all the gateways of the manager. The included information is the same as in the system branch.
Domain In all the gateways of the domain. The included information is the same as in the system branch.
Gateway In a specific gateway. The included information is the same as in the system branch.

If the resolution of the monitor is less than 1620 pixels, the following columns are not shown: last name; first name; number of SMS sent; IP address; version of installed Router OS.

The Context Dropdown Menu

On the right of each record, you will be displayed the context properties button  that allows you to view the context dropdown menu for the user.
For further details about the available options, please refer to the “ The Users” paragraph.