Administrator Manual
The Users

The user is the manager’s customer who will take advantage of the offered services by connecting to the hotspot or through PPPoE. 
The creation of the users, depending on what you specified in the domain that contains them, can be made in several ways:



From user

The user, who connects to a HGW, by pressing the “register” button, runs the registration procedure set out in the domain and eventually by paying the product using “ Vouchers” or payment gateway.

From operator

An operator of the manager asks the customer for the data and manually creates users by filling out the form.

From card

Using the procedure “ Managing Cards“, the manager can generate cards with your username and password to be delivered to its customers.

From external procedure

By using the APIs available in HSNM. In this way, for example, a management software for a hotel can create the user account during the client registration.

From import

Using the “ Utility Functions“, you can import an Excel (XLSX) file with data of the users to be created.

From printers

Automatic import of the users created on MikroTik RouterOS by printers (Ticket printer).

From external Apps

Automatic import of the users created on MikroTik RouterOS by external applications or tools.

The Context Dropdown menu

By clicking the context properties button of the desired user, you expand the context dropdown menu appears that, in addition to the “Edit” group, contains a number of options in the Admin group.

The “Admin” Section

Contains the following options:




Selecting the branch, you will open the user’s dashboard with the following tiles: the main chart; context data, connections; traffic; sold GW.
For further details about the content of the various tiles, please refer to the Tile Types of the Dashboards paragraph.

Disconnect User

Disconnects the user from the gateway (if accessible) and radius.

If the gateway is not reachable from HSNM, the following error will appear: “Warning! The gateway is not reachable and therefore it is not possible to disconnect the user. Anyway, it has been disclosed in the data of the radius”.

This option is displayed only if the gateway is a MikroTik type, the system user has the permissions to manage the user data and the user is connected.

Print card

Print a card for the user with the login credentials.


Goes to a page allowing you to assign a new product to the user. Assigning a new product, the user does not lose any credit of time nor residual traffic of the previous product.

Sales to User

Shows a table, grouped by product, the costs and revenues obtained by the managers from the sales of connectivity to the selected user.

Send credentials

Allows you to send the credentials to the user through SMS/e-mail depending on the settings of the domain

Tools for Managing Data

Opens the page for managing user-wide data. 

 User connection Log

Shows a page with the logs of the user connections. The list includes the following values: date/starting time; date/end time; duration in hours, minutes and seconds; up-download traffic; assigned IP address; MAC address; used operative system; used browser; causes of disconnection.

In the column “Cause of Disconnection” there can be listed a variety of reasons including:

  • “User-Request”: user asked for disconnection (for example, the button “LOGOFF” has been pressed in the APP of the state of connection).
  • “Lost-Carrier”: carrier has been lost and this happens when device is disconnected from the WiFi or has a weak WiFi signal and cannot keep the radius connection active.
  • “Lost-Service”: it is very similar to the “Lost-Carrier” cause, it is due to connection problems and it happens when connection is interrupted.
  • “Idle-Timeout”: it has reached the time of inactivity defined in the product assigned to the user. 
  • “History”: record has been compressed and grouped to save space as defined in the “ System Settings” in the “keep the data for user connection for x time” field.
  • “Session-Timeout”: user has reached the maximum time of connection for the current session.
  • “Admin Reset”: the administrator resets the port or the session.
  • “Admin Reboot”: the administrator is terminating the service on the gateway, i.e. he reboots the gateway.
  • “Port Error”: the gateway detected an error on the port that had required to terminate the session.
  • “NAS Error”: the gateway detected an error (different from the port) requiring to terminate the session.
  • “NAS Request”: the gateway terminated the session for other reasons not listed and not due to an error. In some cases when the gateway is rebooted.
  • “NAS Reboot”: The gateway terminated the session not due to administrative reboot (“crash”).
  • “Service Unavailable”: the gateway was not able to supplymthe required service.
  • “Callback”: the gateway is terminating the current session to perform the call for a new session.
  • “User Error”: the user’s input is in error causing the session closure.
  •  “Host Request”: session normally closed from the remot host. 
  • “Registration”: the user profile registration has been performed.
  • “Forced closure 1”: it is written when the user has been disconnected because of the “Consider users disconnected after” option defined in the domain.
  • “Forced closure 2”: it is written when the gateway no longer sends updates to the device (Interim Update) and is therefore considered disconnected. In practice, a connection has remained opened without having received the “STOP” and “Cause of Logout” 
  • “Forced closure 3”: it is written when a device tries to connect and in the HSNM and also in this case it has remained opened a connection for the same device without “STOP” and “Cause of Logout”.

The contextual menu accessible for every single row that has a MAC Address, it allows accessing to the following options:

  • Disassociates this device from the user: it allows disassociating the device with the user MAC Addres. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated).
  • Disassociates this device from the users of the domain: it allows disassociating the device with the MAC Address of the row from all the users of all the domain. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated).
  • Disassociates this device: it allows disassociating the device with a MAC Address of the row from all the users of all the domains. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated and the user loging in the backend is an admin user).
  • Riassociates this device to the user: it allows riassociating the device with the MAC Address to the user. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated).
  • Riassociates this device to the users of the domain: it allows riassociating the device with the MAC Address of the row to the users of the domain. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated).
  • Riassociates this device: it allows riassociating the device with the MAC Address of the row to all the users of all the domains. (Visible only if the MAC Address has not been already disassociated and the user logging in the backend is an admin user).

Warning! If you disassociate a user created from the Complementary Access (the name is given from the MAC A ddress) the user will be delated.

Adding or Editing

To add a user, select the data tab, press the button of the context properties button  of the domain in which insert a user and select “ Add user”. While, to modify a user, always in the data tab, select the domain to open the user list in the data area, in the table look for the desired user and press the context button on the user and select “ Edit”. Another way to modify a user is to select the “Search Tab“, enter a description that can identify it (username, last name, first name, etc.) and press the properties button in the results list. In both cases, a page appears that allows you to manage the contents of the following fields:

General Data




ID of the record. Auto-assigned Identifier of the record. It can be used to use the API or external integrations.

It is displayed during editing phase of an existing data and not during insertion of a new record.

Created on

Date and time of creation of the user.

International country calling codes

International mobile country calling codes.

Mobile phone number

The user’s mobile number to be used to login. It is not editable after the initial creation


Password assigned to the user for login.

Company name

User’s company name.


User’s gender.


User’s last name.


User’s first name.


Users’s residential address.


User’s postal code of the city of residence.


User’s city of residence.

Province or State

User’s province or state of residence.


User’s country of residence.


GPS coordinates of the user’s residence. Field used for proximity marketing.


GPS coordinates of the user’s residence. Field used for proximity marketing.


User’s landline telephone number.


User’s fax number

Mobile Phone

User’s mobile phone number (required).


User’s email address (required if you enable notifications via e-mail).

Email Address Validated

Defines if the email address has been validated.

It can be set by the operator or confirmed by the user by clicking the link received in the email.

Year of Birth

User’s year of birth.

Fiscal Code or VAT-Id Number

Fiscal code for residential users or tax code for business users.

Room or Pitch Number

User’s room or site number.

Language for the User

Any messages and notifications will be displayed and sent in the language defined in this field.
The choice of the language by the user automatically generates the compilation of this field.

Marketing Consent

The user consents to marketing activities.

Subscribed to Newsletter

The user consents to receive newsletters.


It allows displaying and managing the user’s image.




Image of the user profile.
The image can be uploaded in the following ways

  • From the backend choosing the file
  • By the user using the profile App;
  • Automatically derived by social networks (if available).

Privacy Policy

Allows you to manage and display the data relating to the Privacy Policy.



Authorization to process personal data

If checked, it indicates that the user has authorized the processing of personal data.


Version of the Privacy Policy accepted by the user.

Revision Date

Date of the revision accepted by the user.

Terms of Service

Allows you to manage and display the data relating to the terms and conditions of the service offered.



Conditions Accepted

If checked, it indicates that the user has accepted the Terms of Service. It must always be enabled. It is mandatory.


Version of the Terms of Use accepted by the user.

Revision Date

Date of the revision accepted by the user.


Allows to choose the product to be assigned to a new user.




Product to assign to the user.


Allows to enter the expiration of the product assigned to the user.
If specified, the expiration defined in the product data will not be considered.

The option is available only if you are entering a new user.




Sent SMS confirmation

If you have provided the confirmation of the user’s data by sending an SMS, it must be active or the user cannot log in until you send a confirmation SMS by text using the domain name. It is disabled if the SMS confirmation was not provided to the user in the domain

SMS sent

Number of sms messages sent to the user. You can change this value to allow the sending of other sms if the limit set in the domain has already been reached

Options not visible on domains with PPPoE authentication type.

External Authentications and Social Networks




Type of external authentication or social network.


Username of the external authentication or social network.

User ID

User ID of the external authentication or social network.

Custom Radius Attributes (Check)

This section allows you to define customized radius attributes to be used for the authentication phase.
The number of manageable attributes is dynamic. To add on attribute, click the “Add Attribute”button and then choose the type of attribute and associate a value.

The manageable fields are:



Attribute X

Allows you to choose the name of the attribute from a preloaded list and define the corresponding value on the right. The value must be conformed to the attribute type.

Custom Radius Attributes (Reply)

This section allows you to define custom radius attributes to be used for the post authentication gateway response phase.
As for the “Check”, the number of manageable attributes is dynamic. To add an attribute, click the “Add Attribute” button and then choose the type of attribute and associate a value.

The manageable fields are:



Attribute X

Allows you to choose the name of the attribute from a preloaded list and define the corresponding value on the right. The value must be conformed to the attribute type.

Other Options



IP address to be assigned to the router

Static IP address assigned to the user’s router through PPPoE. If not specified, it will be considered dynamic and must be assigned by the PPPoE server.

Option visible only on PPPoE domains.

Network Mask to be Assigned to the Router

Network Mask assigned to the user’s router through PPPoE. If not specified, it will be considered dynamic and must be assigned by the PPPoE server

Additional Subnet

Define a class of additional IP addresses (in the IP Address/Subnet form) to associate with the connection.

IP address Wi-Fi antenna

Declares any IP address of the client-side Wi-Fi appliance. If the customer is equipped, in addition with a router, with a Wi-Fi antenna to connect to the internet, this option is used to update the RouterOS of the appliance through the utility in “ Utility Functions“. Not mandatory for normal operation of the PPPoE.

Option visible only on PPPoE domains.

Hardware type

Declares the type of hardware of the Wi-Fi appliance provided to the user.

Option visible only on PPPoE domains.

RouterOS version

RouterOS version of the Wi-Fi appliance provided to the user.

Option visible only on PPPoE domains.


The product to assign to the user. The field is only visible if you are inserting a new user. If you modify a user, you can change the assigned product by pressing the “recharge” button in the command bar on the upper right.

Specific products for the manager are displayed in white, specific products for the reseller or for the manager in light blue and general products in brown.

External ERP/PMS Code

External code of the ERP/PMS. It is useful to match the user to the registry of an external ERP/PMS management software.


Notes for the user.

Lock the user

If enabled, lock the access to the user.

The Command Bar

In the upper right corner in the command bar, if you are modifying a user, you will see two buttons:



Print card

Print a card with the user’s credential.


Goes to a page that allows you to assign a new product to the user. Assigning a new product, the user does not lose any credit of time nor residual traffic of the previous product