Administrator Manual

How HSNM Works

After you have configured System Settings (Network, SMTP, FTP for the database backup, definition of the numbers for SMS sending, etc.), you need to start with the parameterizations based on your requirements, defining the products (free, partly free or paid), the resellers, managers, domains, gateways, advertisers and advertising campaigns.
Afterwards, you have to configure the gateways using the relevant Set Up Guide.
When users connects to a gateway, they are directed to the Welcome Portal, eventually customized in the graphic, where they can click the available Apps, register or authenticate themselves with the method prior defined by the authentication mode adopted.
The interface, in addition to the multi-language support, also allows the possible purchase with credit card, the access with ” Card” or ” Voucher” activation.
Using the user’s connection, HSNM natively tracks purchases, traffic volume, connections, destinations through “ Syslog“, etc. This process allows statistical analysis or summary checks.